contemporary botanical art
Tulip time

Exhibition 4,5,6 April 2025
Annie Patterson est peintre, Frederic Depalle est photographe.
Leur amour de la botanique les a réunis autour des Iris du Levant, avec de très rares espèces, entre Caucase et Moyen-Orient.
La présentation allie aquarelles et photographies (in situ et en studio).
Venez admirez ces œuvres au FINA les 4-5-6 avril 2025.
Recent paintings - new botanical illustrations are added as they are completed or as work in progress. These realistic fine art paintings are watercolour on paper or on vellum and range from flowers to vegetables, some are depicted with seeds and roots. Most of the plants are grown here in my French garden, situated in the Loire Valley.
Please check for updates or contact me for a list of paintings for sale.Click on a painting for more information